Library, College of Horticulture and Forestry, Jhalawar
This Library is old by its foundation. It was initially established in 2004 in the building KVK, Jhalawar when the College of Horticulture and Forestry was running at that time. It was later shifted to its present campus in 2009 at College of Horticulture and Forestry, Jhalarapatan, Jhalawar. The library is housed in beautiful top floor of college building and offers excellent environment for studies.
The library of the College of Horticulture and Forestry, Jhalawar is playing an important role in meeting the information needs of students, research scholars, teachers and scientists of college. Library functions as a repository of all kinds of scientific and technical information on agriculture and allied sectors. The library is full-fledged with resources from National and International publishers. Presently, it holds about 12038 books under various themes of Horticulture & Forestry and allied sectors like fruit science, vegetable science, Floriculture, PHT, Food Science, Crop Science, Genetics & Plant Breeding, Plant Pathology, Agricultural Entomology, Agronomy, Agricultural Statistics, Economics, English, Mathematics and Computer Application. The library has also a good collection of literature, comprising 1292 reference books, 935 books in book bank, 28 manuals and other reference materials. It is in the process of modernization, computerization and sophistication. The library has already purchased and installed computers with printers, photocopying machine and air conditioners etc. The library of the College of Horticulture and Forestry, Jhalawar is having more than 1000 e-journals under CeRA and Indian Journals, adequate number of text books and reference books are made available to the students. Every year, latest text books, reference books etc are procured to strengthen the library.
Statistics for the Year 2018-19
S.No. | Title | Total |
1 | Total Books of Library | 12038 |
2 | Library Reference Book | 1292 |
3 | Library Book Bank | 935 |
4 | Total Manual (Types) | 28 |
5 | Journal | 8 |
6 | Periodicals | 4 |
7 | Computer | 5 |
8 | Internet | 5 |
9 | Reprography | 1 |
Budget Information
S.No. | Year | Budget | No. Of Book | Total No. of Books Library |
1 | 2009-10 | 1,00,000 | 53 | 5901 – 5954 |
2 | 2010-11 | 2,50,000 | 391 | 5954 -6368 |
1 | 2011-12 | 23,00,000 | 2003 | 6368-8349 |
2 | 2012-13 | 14,00,000 | 1300 | 8349-9649 |
1 | 2013-14 | 5,00,000 | 686 | 9649-10335 |
2 | 2014-15 | Nil | Nil | 10335 |
1 | 2015-16 | 2,00,000 | 353 | 10691 |
Rules and Regulations
The members are strongly advised to take care of the following regulations governing the use of information resources. Access to all library services is dependent on compliance with the stated regulations.
1. Before entering the library, Reader’s own books, bag should be deposit at the counter.
2. Reader’s shall not write or make mark or otherwise damage any book or any other material of library.
3. Silence should be observed in the library.
4. Books will be issued for 10 days at a time.
5. In case the book is damaged or lost , then the student will be required to pay double the original cost .In the case of rare books , three times the cost will be charged.
6. Student should not make any mark or underline anywhere in the book.
7. Student is required to use the library only for the purpose of reading / Reference work.
8. Strict silence and discipline must be maintained in the library. Any type of personal discussion inside the library is strictly prohibited.
9. Student found disfiguring the books and tearing pages from the books/ Magazines or who are found in possession of torn pages will penalized by cancellation of their membership of the library and by imposing a fine to cover double the cost of the book/ magazine.
10. The borrower will be responsible for the safe custody and return of the books on loan from the library.
11. In case of emergency the librarian may recall a book at any time.
12. Briefcases, bags, umbrella, lunch boxes and other personal belongings must be deposited at the entrance to library staff.
13. Eating, sleeping and talking loudly are strictly prohibited in the library.
14. No library material can be taken out of the library without permission of library staff.
15. Anyone who violates the rules and regulations of the library would be liable to lose the privilege of library membership.
Donate Books and Learning Material
The campus library and information unit welcomes gifts of books and other learning resources that extend and compliment our existing collections. The gifts of books and other materials have helped strengthen our collection through the years ever since the inception of the library. Some of the libraries collection began with donations from individuals. Due to high cost of processing and storage we shall make every efforts to accept only appropriate and relevant items in our subject areas.
Make a Gift Now
Mail to:
Donors wishing to give rare and unique material to the library are encouraged to contact us.
Contacting Us and Feed Back
If you have any comments about the services that you receive from the library of this college. You may contact us by email or call. Your comments both positive and negative shall be taken in to consideration straight away and all actions will be taken to improve the quality of services in the best possible way.
Dr. Anil Kumar Gupta, Incharge, Library
College of Horticulture &Forestry
Jhalrapatan, Jhalawar-326 023 (Rajasthan)
Contact: +91 8866622578
1. Reference & Information Service
2. Lending Services
3. Reprography service
4. Bibliographical Service
5. Current Awareness Service
6. Book bank facility
7. Computerized services : • e-journals • e-theses • e-books • e-learning • Internet search facility
1. Acta Horticulturae
2. Annual Reviews
3. ABC Chemistry: Free Full text Journals In Chemistry
4. Academic journals inc
6. AgZine (Index of Agricultural Serials)
7. Bentham Open Access
8. Bioline International
9. BioMed Central Open Access
10. Digital Library And Archives
11. Directory Of Open Access Journals
12. EDP Sciences
13. High Wire Press
14. ICAR Journals in Open Access
15. Indian Academy of Sciences (IAS)
16. Indian Journals
17. MedIND
18. Medknow
19. Molecular Diversity Preservation International (MDPI)
20. NISCAIR Online Periodicals Repository (NOPR)
21. Open J-gate
22. Public Library Of Science
23. Science Alert
24. Science Direct
25. Springer Link
26. The American Phytopathological Society
27. World Academy of Science, Engineering And Technology
MGU Online Theses Library
• Shodhganga Indian ETD Repository @ INFLIBNET
• Vidyanidhi Digital Library
• Digital Repository of Science and Technology
• The Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations
• Electronic theses and Dissertations at Virginia Tech
• Western Virginia University Institutional Repository
ICAR Library
National Science Digital Library
UGC Infonet Digital Library
British Council Library
Krishi Kosh
Krishi Prabha E-thesis